NORMA Ball Valves
The NORMA Nylon Ball Valve to control the flow
- Material: Handle: Nylon; Stem: PON (Acetal); Body: Nylon; End Connector: Nylon; O-Rings: NBR; Seat: HDPE; Ball: CPVC; Male Threaded Connectors (FxM): Nylon
- Colour: Body: black, Handles: blue, purple
NORMA Ball Valve offers a smooth open and close action to allow or stop the flow of water. The “full flow” design ensures there is minimum head loss and the option of a male/female version eliminates the need for additional fittings.
What you will love!
- Innovative design of the ball valve allows full true passage in open condition
- Interchangeable handles to comply with international colour coding for water
- Higher water discharge due to lower wall thickness of the nylon ball valve
- Removable handle prevents unauthorised manipulation of the valve
- Superior mechanical resistance due to nylon material
- Maximum operating temperature of 60° C
Did you know?
Our ball valve’s reinforced glass-nylon body can easily handle pressure up to 16 bar.
Where can you use it?
- Sports fields
- Large public parks
- Golf courses
- Large agricultural sites
Complete irrigation portfolio
Connected to let it flow
Discover our leading joining and fitting technology that connects your irrigation system just perfectly.